Midtown Chiropractic Blog

Are You Looking for a Top Memphis Chiropractor?

Are You Looking for a Top Memphis TN Chiropractor?

Are You Looking for a Top Memphis TN Chiropractor? The decision to seek out a reputable Memphis TN chiropractor to help with your sore back, sore neck, poor range of motion, or other health condition is a great way to get your body back into balance. Whether you’ve suffered an injury playing sports, been in…

Exercise Smarter in Memphis

Exercise Smarter in Memphis TN

Exercise Smarter in Memphis TN Who in Memphis TN doesn’t take pride in working hard and reaching their goals?  Regardless of the situation, it is human nature to enjoy the accolades that come with seeing results. In this day and age however, it is almost as though just reaching goals is not enough.  We have…

Back Pain Tips from a Memphis Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Memphis TN Chiropractor

Back Pain Tips from a Memphis TN Chiropractor If there is one body part that most people seem to have problems with at some point in life, it must be the back. Back pain is such a common part of modern life that many people just accept it as normal and try to get by…

Minimizing Stress While Traveling In A Plane in Memphis TN

Minimizing Stress While Traveling In A Plane in Memphis TN

Minimizing Stress While Traveling In A Plane inMemphis TN Travel can be a time for much-needed stress reduction, but it can also cause some added stress on your body in Memphis TN. Traveling by plane can be especially challenging to your system due to several factors including, recirculated air, increased stress, proximity of people, radiation…

Ladies, Does Your Summer Weather in Memphis TN Come in Waves?

Ladies, Does Your Summer Weather in Memphis TN Come in Waves?

Ladies, Does Your Summer Weather in Memphis TN Come in Waves? Exclusive vacations are great, but some heat waves can be a little too private…I’m sure you know I’m referring to “Club Menopause.” On the surface this can sound amazing-no more periods, no more planning vacations around your cycle, and you can wear white pants…

Eat Your Greens, Stay Sharp in Memphis TN

Eat Your Greens, Stay Sharp in Memphis TN

Eat Your Greens, Stay Sharp in Memphis TN I love a good salad, and now I have an even better reason to eat my greens in Memphis TN! A new study published in the Neurology Journal’s January 2018 issue highlights the importance of eating greens to reduce cognitive decline. The study included 960 participants aged 58-99…